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Sandra Rosa

Sandra Rosa

Quando fazemos uma constelação familiar portas dentro de nós se abrem, até aquelas que nem sabíamos que estavam fechadas. Ao adentrarmos este caminho nos libertamos de muitas amarras invisíveis, enfrentamos nossos medos e resistências que nos impedem de viver a vida plenamente.
É isto que eu quero para você.
E eu posso te ajudar a abrir esta porta, a andar na trilha da sua existência com o coração mais leve e a alma plena.
A cada movimento – constelação – que fazemos, damos um passo em direção aos nossos sonhos e potenciais. A vida muda para melhor. Mudou a minha vida e pode com certeza mudar a sua. Afinal, quem não deseja viver a vida sem amarras e de forma mais amorosa. Uma vida onde possamos expressar nossa essência e nossa imensa força. Vem!

Welcome to the New Family Constellation for All Project, a social initiative developed by Psychologist and Systemic Constellation expert, Cristina Florentino.

The project offers you the opportunity to participate in an individual online session with a facilitator who has undergone extensive training to master this powerful therapeutic tool.

Our aim is to make New Family Constellations more accessible to Australian people at a symbolic price, allowing more individuals to experience its profound benefits and find their place in the world.

The New Family for All Project is only available for a limited time, concluding on 30th May 2024.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to embark on a transformative journey towards healing and self-discovery.

Sandra is a Systemic Constellation Facilitator, yoga and movement teacher who has lived in the south of Australia for 13 years.

A family constellation session open doors within us, mostly the ones we didn’t even know were closed. When we see what is beyond these doors, we free ourselves from many invisible bonds, we face our fears and resistances that prevent us from living life fully.

This is what I want for you.

With each movement/​​constellation we make, we take a step towards our dreams and potentials. The feeling of being stuck or trapped goes away. Life changes for the better. It changed my life and it can definitely change yours.