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Suzane Polaris

Suzane Polaris

Bióloga, Consteladora Sistêmica, educadora e professora da pedagogia Waldorf na Austrália há 13 anos. Especializada em desenvolvimento infantil com enfoque nas diferentes fases do crescimento humano. Meu profundo conhecimento de como a natureza influencia e apoia o nosso desabrochar se faz presente nas minhas sessões, onde utilizo técnicas de visualização e meditação como ferramentas no processo de autoconhecimento e cura. ​​​​Estou disposta a ajudar você e sua família a encontrar a harmonia e o bem-estar.

“Welcome to the New Family Constellation for All Project, a social initiative developed by Psychologist and Systemic Constellation expert, Cristina Florentino.

The project offers you the opportunity to participate in an individual online session with a facilitator who has undergone extensive training to master this powerful therapeutic tool.

Our aim is to make New Family Constellations more accessible to Australian people at a symbolic price, allowing more individuals to experience its profound benefits and find their place in the world.

The New Family for All Project is only available for a limited time, concluding on 30th May 2024.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to embark on a transformative journey towards healing and self-discovery.

Suzane is biologist, Systemic Constellation Facilitator, Steiner Philosophy Educator and Early Childhood teacher working in Australia for 13 years in Steiner Schools. I am an expert in childhood development with focus in the different stages of physical and emotional development. I bring to my sessions my deep understanding of Nature and the importance of connecting with it to support your inner flourishing. I use visualization techniques and mindful meditation as a tool during the process of self knowledge and healing. I am available to help you and your family in finding harmony and wellbeing on your journey.